Neither was able to find my wifes return flight from Cuba to Canada (although it appears on my airports website under arrivals). But assuming the flight could have been found, it appears "Flight Status" has more search options than "Flight Tracker".
Flight Tracker has a nicer mechanism for remembering flights AFTER you have found them (Flight Status requires you be in data entry mode to remember a flight, not simply bookmark one youve already found and are reviewing). And Flight Status seemed incomplete or buggy when I was entering a trip... can we not edit an already created trip to add or change details?
Im voting "Flight Tracker" DOWN and "Flight Status" UP because I value multiple search options to find a flight as the most important feature, and "Flight Status" search options are much better.
I hope Flight Status is further polished so trips can be edited, and that any flight found via search tools can be bookmarked or used as a starting point to create a "trip".
gordonmcdowell about Flight Status - Live Flight Tracker